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Editorial note

Estudios Posthumanos is a collective project that brings together researchers from different universities in Argentina. Its objective is to reflect on current topics that have been emerging since the end of the 20th century and consolidating itself since the 21st century around the question of the posthuman. The range that this name implies is extremely wide and varied and tries to tie together some of the most important philosophical turns of recent times, such as the Animal Turn, the Technological Turn, the Non-human Turn, the Ontological Turn, the post and multinaturalist perspectives developed by social scientists and anthropologists around the Amerindian cosmology, the new colonialisms, feminisms, among others.

The question of the posthuman implies significant displacements of the Humanist positions in regard to their strong distinction between the human (reason, culture, and agency) and the natural world.

The affirmation of the thesis of the nature-culture-technical continuum contributes to the de-centering of the human (post-anthropocentrism) and of its historically assured ontic-ontological place of privilege, favoring the possibility of thinking about other modes of subjectivity and our being with-others not from a paradigm of similarity, blood, race or species, but from the articulation of the heterogeneous and from the (impossible) reciprocity that responds to a hospitality of the visitation as an ontological condition.

The Covid-19 pandemic has made evident the crisis in the ways of coexistence and treatment of humans, non-human beings, and the whole planet in the “human” (human as anthropos) ways of exploitation, extractivism, fracking, biotic looting, etc., as well as it has given us the opportunity to experience closely the consequences of what geologists, specialists in the Earth System and others have called in different ways: Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Sixth Extinction Mass of Species, etc. Although there is no agreement on the names, nor on the dating of the origin (or the deepening), of this environmental crisis on a global scale, it is about the danger of all the biodiversity of the planet. For this reason, we understand that it is necessary to question those ideals that have been the bastion of other times, in the light of humanism disinterested in the world and others.

Our magazine is part of an extensive network, Cosmografías: Red Iberoamericana de Ontologías Posthumanas and a member of the After Open Access Manifesto, at the same time that its director is also a member of the Posthuman Latin-American Network and of the directory of the Red Latinoamericana de Poshumanismo (RLP). 

We chose, for our first Volume, to ask about the subject of Extinction, that is, how to think about the mass extinction of different forms of living in the present and how to also think about what Claire Colebrook (2014) called the extinction of theory, the limit of our epistemes and the possibility of continuing to do theory.

The 21st century challenges our classical thinking schemes and confines us to a relearning task, where our hypotheses become even more tentative than in the past. Nothing better to add new voices and abandon modern solitude, accompanying the beats of new perspectives that teach us to live and die well, not better.



Gracias por escribirnos

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